5 Reasons To Attend Your Local AMC

My previous post was 3 reasons why leaders don’t want to attend Awana Ministry Conferences, this time around I want to post 5 reasons to attend your AMC.  Ours is in 2 weeks, and I have 4 workshops to present!  I am still finalizing handouts, making displays, and gathering supplies.  I love getting ready for AMC, but not so sure my family does as I try to manage them and get all my projects done for conference.

  1. Get Inspired!  This year the theme is “One Mission, Many Methods.”  Awana knows that there are no two clubs alike, and this year they want to help churches personalize their own clubs.  God’s message is always the same, but the way we present it can be adjusted to be meet the needs of those we are sharing the Gospel with.  Attend a workshop that can you discover how to tailor your club to your specific needs.
  2. Spend Time with Other Awana Leaders.  It’s always nice to find like-minded people all in one place!  Even though we are all at different situations in our daily lives, you will find leaders who are just as passionate about Awana and reaching children and youth with the Gospel of Christ.  You might even make a life long friend!
  3. Meet your Awana Missionaries and get to know them!  Take a few minutes to thank and encourage them for all their hard work they do for your church and others in their area.  Find out how to support them through prayer and financial support.
  4. Learn about how God is using Awana all over the US and the World.  Find about new partnerships such as Operation Christmas Child.  This year come and learn about what exciting changes are in store for our tween club, Truth and Training.
  5. Be Encouraged!  Even thought it’s the beginning of the year for most Awana clubs, attend a variety of workshops to be encouraged.  Whether you serve as a commander, leader, listener or secretary, there is a workshop for you that will provide tools and ideas to keep you going for the whole year.Bonus Reason….The AWANA store!  If you are lucky to have an AMC with a store, take time to look at all the Awana has to offer for your club.  You can preview books, purchase gifts and almost anything Awana related!

Want to find out if there is an AMC in your area…visit awana.org.  There you find dates and locations, and how to register to attend.  

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